Camins OpenCourseWare

Urban Logistics and Transport Terminals (250265)

Responsible faculty


Credits: 4.5 ECTS

Dedication (hours) T: 33.0 P: 8.0 L: 4.0 AD: 4.5 AA: 63.0

Main teaching language at each group

Please check the Syllabus to know if part of the course is taught in a different language.


Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental (DECA)


GRAU EN ENGINYERIA D'OBRES PÚBLIQUES, pla 2010 - (codi pla 791)


2023 - 2024

Course description

Ability to construct, conserve, dimension and design roads and the items comprising basic road provision. Ability to construct and conserve railway lines with knowledge of the application of the specific technical regulations, differentiating the characteristics of the rolling stock. Knowledge of the regulatory framework of urban management. Knowledge of the influence of infrastructures on town and country planning enabling participation in the urbanisation of urban public space, and on plans for urban services and utilities such as water distribution, sewage disposal, waste management, transport systems, traffic, lighting, etc. Knowledge of the design and functioning of intermodal exchange infrastructures such as ports, airports, railway stations and transport logistics centres.

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