Camins OpenCourseWare

Geotechnical Engineering (250240)

Responsible faculty


Credits: 4.5 ECTS

Dedication (hours) T: 30.0 P: 9.0 L: 6.0 AD: 4.5 AA: 63.0

Main teaching language at each group

Please check the Syllabus to know if part of the course is taught in a different language.


Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental (DECA)


GRAU EN ENGINYERIA D'OBRES PÚBLIQUES, pla 2010 - (codi pla 791)


2023 - 2024

Course description

Students will learn to apply knowledge of geotechnical engineering, soil mechanics and rock mechanics in studies, projects, construction work and operations that require earthworks, foundations or retaining walls.

Creative Commons License