Camins OpenCourseWare

Construction Management and Electrotechnics (250127)

Responsible faculty


Credits: 7.5 ECTS

Dedication (hours) T: 49.0 P: 10.0 L: 16.0 AD: 7.5 AA: 105.0

Main teaching language at each group

Please check the Syllabus to know if part of the course is taught in a different language.

  • Group 10Q2 Spanish (Q2)
  • Group ENGQ2 English (Q2)


Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica (DEE)
Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental (DECA)


GRAU EN ENGINYERIA CIVIL, pla 2017 - (codi pla 1305)
GRAU EN ENGINYERIA CIVIL, pla 2010 - (codi pla 790)


2022 - 2023

Course description

Students will learn about construction procedures, construction machinery, and techniques for organising, measuring, estimating and planning construction projects. They will also acquire a basic understanding of the electrical power system: the generation of energy, the transmission network, energy distribution, the different types of power lines and conductors, and the laws regulating high and low voltage.

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