Camins OpenCourseWare

Hydraulics (2500216)

Responsible faculty


Credits: 6.0 ECTS

Dedication (hours) T: 31.0 P: 19.0 L: 10.0 AD: 0.0 AA: 90.0

Main teaching language at each group

Please check the Syllabus to know if part of the course is taught in a different language.


Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental (DECA)


GRAU EN ENGINYERIA AMBIENTAL, pla 2020 - (codi pla 1396)


2023 - 2024

Course description

This course will provide knowledge of hydraulics and its application to pressure conduction and open channel systems and the ability to apply it to the solving of engineering problems. The applications of the fluid equations of motion to engineering cases related to pressure and open channel conduits will be shown. It will show how to solve pressure flow problems (pipes) including auxiliary elements such as pumps, elbows and valves and the flow of open channel water will be analyzed, in natural (rivers) and artificial channels.

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