Camins OpenCourseWare

Environmental Economics and Sustainability (2500205)

Responsible faculty


Credits: 6.0 ECTS

Dedication (hours) T: 42.0 P: 18.0 L: 0.0 AD: 0.0 AA: 90.0

Main teaching language at each group

Please check the Syllabus to know if part of the course is taught in a different language.


Departament d'Enginyeria Agroalimentària i Biotecnologia (DEAB)
Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental (DECA)


GRAU EN ENGINYERIA AMBIENTAL, pla 2020 - (codi pla 1396)


2023 - 2024

Course description

The principles of the sustainability of economic development are raised, questioning the limits of growth, international inequality and its environmental impact. Emphasis is placed on the allocation of resources with environmental effects (market errors, public goods, common resources and externalities). Environmental policies such as Pigouian taxes, environmental taxation, Coase's theorem, emissions markets, and voluntary agreements are also presented. Environmental valuation methods such as travel cost, quota valuation and hedonic prices are presented. The cost-benefit analysis, including the environmental dimension, is also addressed. Finally, environmental accounting mechanisms are proposed at both the national and business levels.

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